Kenyan People Unite in Protest Against Skyrocketing Prices and Food Insecurity

This afternoon, we stumbled upon a protest in Homa Bay (see the video below). We saw people raising branches, cooking spoons, and some even holding stones. While it was a peaceful protest, we saw in the people’s eyes that they were losing their patience. Out of total despair, the people have taken to the streets to protest for their rights.

The prices for key household items, such as flour, cooking oil, sugar, soap, and fuel, have skyrocketed over the past few years. On top of that, drought, as a result of limited rainfall, has caused further food insecurities. The IPC (Integrated Food Security Phase Classification) analysis projected further deterioration in the upcoming months (March-June).

The Kenyan people, like many other people around the globe, are desperate for change and solutions. When will we all realize that we cannot wait anymore?

Solutions are present to make changes in our food system.

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