When cycling we knew that this is not only about us, but about sharing the findings and learnings with others.
Since we will be participating at COP28, we invite you and would love you to register and participate in the event on December 4th 10:00 – 10:45 Dubai time.
In this presentation we will be sharing the learnings from regenerative farmers we visited during our Cycle to Farms journey.
Registration link: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_5R910p_3QQmNIeTG58NOpg#/registration
More info: food4climatepavilion.com/#programme

🌱 Healthy soil serves as the bedrock of our food systems, providing essential services from carbon sequestration to bolstering food security. The time is ripe for collaborative, multi-stakeholder action to globally scale, finance, and monitor initiatives promoting healthy soil ecosystems. 🌍
Aisha will be participating as a speaker at the #GASP pavilion on December 6th from 16:00 to 17:30 (GST). The event, ‘Evidence Generation to Inform Policy and Practice for Scaling Healthy Soil Ecosystems,’ is organized by GASP and Coalition of Action 4 Soil Health (CA4SH). If you’re at #cop28, make sure to drop by!
Otherwise, be sure to join this event online at https://www.coalitionforsoilhealth.org/soilatcop28
This month we had a few speaking events:
Aisha presented at World Food Forum about new ideas to address food loss in European Union Agriculture
We presented at Lithuanian Agriculture University for teachers and students https://zua.vdu.lt/susitikimas-su-luku-paltanaviciumi-ir-aisha-hassan/
As well as at Lithuanian Science Academy https://www.lammc.lt/lt/naujienu-archyvas/tarptautine-konferencija-apie-uzdaru-patalpu-darzininkyste/4231
Lukas gave an interview to the documentary about climate change https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7120397478469799936/
Lastly, we have met with Lithuanian Agriculture Minister K. Navickas https://zum.lrv.lt/lt/naujienos/8-tukst-kilometru-dviraciais-lankant-atsinaujinancios-zemdirbystes-ukius